- Engagement
- VoluntaryWork
- ProgrammeSchoolchildren
- Training
- FinalSeminar
- ItinerantExhibition
- Phase 1 of the engagement process.2016
- 2nd Measures workshop 19/05/2016. Bera
- 3rd Measures workshop 26/05/2016. Elizondo
- Tour of river 2/06/2016.
- Return Day IREKIBAI Project. 06/30/2016 Bertiz
- Phase 2 of the engagement process. 2017/2018/2019/2020
- IREKIBAI Project Session. 2017/03/22. Navarre
- 4th Measures workshop. Bera 2017/05/16
- Tour of river. Bera 2017/05/16.
- 5th Measures workshop. Bertiz 2018/05/23
- Tour of river. Ituren 2018/05/23.
- IREKIBAI Project Session. 2019/11/05. Bertiz-Navarre
- Voluntary work fact sheet. Download PDF
Support for associations and local entities in volunteering activities in Navarran rivers
(Baztan-Bidasoa river basin, Urumea, Araxes and Leitzaran)
For years, the Government of Navarre Department for Rural Development, the Environment and Local Administration has promoted river activities in different towns in Navarre.
This year you too may be able to take part in a local initiative thanks to the Life IREKIBAI project. You suggest the activity, and we support it, help disseminate it, organise it and accompany it wherever possible. We provide materials for the collection, keep a check on participants, cover food expenses and give a certificate to those involved if required.
Contact: +34 848 420737 avarelaa@gan-nik.es ; info@irekibai.eu
Volunteering and awareness activities in rivers
- 2020
- River Custody
- Campaign 2020. Volunteer program "Sponsor a salmon"
- 2020/05/30. Cleaning the Bidasoa river. Bera. Ibaietako Ingurumen boluntariotza. River Custody- C.D Nazas Bidasoa
- 2020/01/24. Reunión anual de la Comisión Mixta de Seguimiento y Control del Protocolo de Custodia Fluvial entre Gobierno de Navarra y la Sociedad de pescadores “Nazas” del Bidasoa 2020
- 2020/01/24. Reunión anual de la Comisión Mixta de Seguimiento y Control del Protocolo de Custodia Fluvial entre Gobierno de Navarra y la Sociedad de cazadores y pescadores de Baztan. 2020
- 2020/01/02. Spawning of five sponsored salmon in the volunteer program from Bidasoa “Apadrina un salmón del Bidasoa / Izan ziatez Bidasoko izokiaren babesle”
- 2019
- June 2019. World Environment Day. Cleaning the Urumea and Bidasoa-Baztan river
- 2019/06/1 Urumea. Arano
- 2019/06/1 Urumea. Goizueta
- 2019/06/4 Ezkurra. Doneztebe
- 2019/06/6 Bidasoa. Lesaka
- 2019/06/6 Baztan. Oronoz Mugaire
- 2019/06/8 Baztan. Elizondo
- 2019/06/8 Baztan. Lekaroz
- 2019/06/8 Baztan. Arizkun
- 2019/06/8 Bidasoa. Bera
- Summer. Cleaning the Baztan-Bidasoa river and other activities
- August. Ezkurra. Doneztebe
- Exotic and invasive elimination workshop. “Señorío de Bértiz” Natural Park
- Protocolo de Custodia Fluvial
- Spring 2018
- 2018/04/21. World Fish Migration Day
- 2018/06/2.World Environment Day. Cleaning the Baztan river
- Baztan. Lekaroz
- Baztan. Elizondo
- Baztan. Amaiur
- Bertizarana. Narbarte
- 2018/09/16 “Señorío de Bértiz” Natural Park. Taller de eliminación de exóticas e invasoras
- 2018/10/12-Cleaning the Leitzaran river. Leitza.
- River Custody
- 2017
- River Custody
- 2016
- Schoolchildren’s programme summary fact sheet. Download PDF
Tours of Schoolchildren
- 2016-2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 14/02/2019 Charla- Taller: El trabajo del Guarderío Forestal de Navarra y trabajos de gestión de la recuperación del salmón en el proyecto Life IREKIBAI
- 2019/06/04 School activity. Cleaning the Ezkurra and Ezpelura rivers
- 2019/11/27 Tour of Nasa of Bera-Lesaka. Instituto Toki Ona de Bera.
- 2019/11/12 Visita Escolar a la Piscifactoría de Oronoz Mugaire y a la Nasa de Lesaka-Bera con la Escuela Agraria de FRAISORO de Gipuzkoa
- 2019/12/19 School visit of the Pamplona Integrated Agroforestry Center to the Oronoz Mugairi Fish Farm
- 2020
- Formación para el Guarderío Forestal de Gobierno de Navarra-Proyecto Life IREKIBAI
- 2020/01/14 Training day: Installation and use of the salmon corner system on the Bidasoa river
- 1/02/2018. Reunión con el Guarderío de Medio Ambiente. Planificación de 2018 - Protocolos de Custodia Fluvial (Life Irekibai), firmados entre el Departamento de Desarrollo Rural, Medio Ambiente y Administración Local del Gobierno de Navarra y sociedades de pesca