The LIFE IREKIBAI project is presented in the third annual call of the signatory entities of the Shared Water Management Charter, which was held on April 27, 2017 in Pamplona. The Government of Navarra, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, the Communauté d’Agglomération Pays Basque, Uraren Euskal Agentzia / Basque Water Agency, the Syndicat Mixte du Bassin Versant de la Nive, le Département des Pyrénées Atlantiques and l’Agence de l ‘ Eau Adour-Garonne have ratified in this meeting their commitment to the joint management of the transboundary basins they share: the Bidasoa, Urumea, Oria, Nive and Nivelle rivers. This meeting was held within the framework of the Poctefa H20gurea project, which seeks to manage rivers in a coordinated manner.
Some of the signatory entities of the Charter are partners of the LIFE IRKEIBAI project, specifically of the CAV (Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, URA and HAZI Foundation) and of the Regional Community (Government of Navarra through GAN), which have joined their capacities and competencies to guarantee the conservation status of habitats and species of community interest in Natura 2000 spaces located in the Bidasoa and Leitzaran river basins. Hence the importance of presenting during the meeting of the Charter of shared water management, the development of the different projects in which we collaborate. The presentation of the LIFE IREKIBAI Project, in which the development status, the current status of the different actions, as well as the expected results of the project were carried out by the Environmental Management of Navarra GAN-NIK.
Here you can download the presentation of the LIFE IREKIBAI project.