Restoration of the SAC ‘Leitzaran River”
- C1. Summary of the morphological recovery work on the Ubaran stream (Document in Spanish)
- C2.Summary of the demolition works of the irrigation dam and environmental restoration of the Truchas Erreka trout farm.(Documents in Spanish)
- C3. Summary of the Inturia dam demolition works. (Documents in Spanish)
- C4.Summary of the Olloki dam demolition works. (Documents in Spanish)
- C5. Restoration of river habitat on the Leitzaran River. 2016 Monitoring. (Document in Spanish)
Restoration of the SACs ‘River Bidasoa’, ‘River Baztan and Artesiaga brook’, ‘Señorío de Bertiz’, ‘Artikutza’ and ‘Belate’
- A2. Endarlatsa Project (Rotary Screw Trap) (Document in Spanish)
- C6. Summary of the Endarlatsa dam demolition works.(Document in Spanish) 2016/10/30
- C7. Summary of the old Bera power station dam demolition Works (Document in Spanish)2016/10/30
- C8. Summary of the Demolition of the Ituren fish farm dam. (Document in Spanish).
- Progress annex. 2018 May
- Final Report
- C9. Summary of the removal of barriers crossing Txaruta (Document in Spanish)2017/11/24
- C10. Restauración ecológica en la Cuenca del Bidasoa (Document in Spanish) 2020
- C11. Report- American Mink (Documents in Spanish)
- Hydraulic Study. Analysis of the water intake of the Endarlatsa dam, checking its possible usage by the fish species present in the channel of the Bidasoa river to swim upstream of the dam (Document in Spanish). 2016/06/12
Increase knowledge
- D1. Geomorphological changes to the riverbed (erosive, transportation and sedimentation processes) along the restored stretches.(D1). (Documents in Spanish).
- Bidasoa basin
- Leitzaran basin
- D2. Monitoring of transport of sediments in the Leitzaran river basin due to the work of Life Irekibai. (Documents in Spanish).
- D3.Monitoring of habitats in the Leitzaran River (Oria basin) in relation to river improvement and restoration actions. (Document in Spanish)
- D5. Evaluation of the benefits to society of the ecosystem services. (Document in Spanish)
- D6. The final memory. Pyrenean desman, evolution of the conservation status of its population and habitat. (Documents in Spanish).
- D7. Allis shad, Allis shad, evaluation of the effectiveness of the project actions to its population. (Bidasoa basin)
- D8. Sea lamprey, evaluation of the effectiveness of the project actions to its population.(Bidasoa basin).(Documents in Spanish).
- D9. Atlantic salmon, evaluation of the effectiveness of the project actions to its population and characteristics. (Bidasoa basin).(Documents in Spanish).
- D9. Monitoring the salmon population and permeability study of the Oria-Leitzaran corridor (Oria basin). (Documents in Spanish).
- D10. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the fishway systems. (Bidasoa Basin).(Documents in Spanish)
- D10. Study of efficiency of the passage device for C.H. Bertxin on the Leitzaran River (Oria basin). (Documents in Spanish)
E.1.Public awareness and dissemination of results
(Documents in Spanish)
E1.2- WEB PAGE (Report with indicators)
E1.3- INFORMATION PANELS AND DISCLOSURE MATERIAL (Document with the list of information panels installed and dissemination material.
E.1.4.1.Participation Process
- Participation plan (summary)
- Disclosure Document for public participation
- Documentation on the web: Phase I and Phase II of the participation process-2016-2020 (minutes, presentations, photos)
- Document with the list of all the actions of the action E.1.4. Awareness of the project (brief file with all the actions)
E.1.4.2. Volunteer and Awareness Program
- Documentation on the web: Volunteering and Environmental Awareness Activities in Rivers (program, photos, etc)
- Document with the list of all the actions of the action E.1.4. Awareness of the project (brief file with all the actions)
E.1.4.3. School program
- Documentation on the web: School VisitsVisitas Escolares
- Document with the list of all the actions of the action E.1.4. Awareness of the project (brief file with all the actions)
E.1.4.4. Itinerant Exhibition “Oztoporik gabe hobe! / ¡Qué corra el agua!
- Contents of the Exhibition.
- Exhibition brochure.
- Document with the list of all the actions of the action E.1.4. Awareness of the project (brief file with all the actions)
- Document with the list of all the actions of the action E.1.5 Dissemination of the project in Specific Days.
- Presentaciones y videos del Seminario Final del proyecto.