The exhibition “Oztoporik gabe, hobe! / ¡Que corra el agua!” ends your roaming in Aquarium – DONOSTIA/SAN SEBASTIAN. 2021/04/21 (After Life)
The exhibition summarizes the main problem of the Cantabrian rivers, their fragmentation, and reports that salmon already reaches five kilometers from Elizondo. It is made within the LIFE IREKIBAI project. On April 21 it will be exhibited at the Aquarium of Donostia / San Sebastian (Gipuzkoa). The exhibition begins through a recreation of the background… Continúe leyendo The exhibition “Oztoporik gabe, hobe! / ¡Que corra el agua!” ends your roaming in Aquarium – DONOSTIA/SAN SEBASTIAN. 2021/04/21 (After Life)
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English program EGIZU BAT LIFE IREKIBAI PROIEKTUAREN BUKAERAKO MINTEGIAREKIN Azken emaitzen aurkezpena Atseginez jakinarazi nahi dizuegu LIFE IREKIBAI Proiektuaren Mintegia 2020ko azaroaren 25ean eginen dela (asteazkena), 9:00etan hasita. Eguneko aztergaiak esteka honetan dituzu zehatz-mehatz azalduta: Poz-pozik elkartuko baginateke ere, egungo egoera ikusirik, era birtualean antolatu behar izan dugu. Erregistratu zaitez esteka honen bidez:… Continúe leyendo Project Final Seminar
Continue readingThe exhibition “Oztoporik gabe, hobe! / ¡Que corra el agua!” ends your roaming in Señorío de Bertiz Natural Park. 2021/01/11-2021/04/18 (After Life)
The exhibition summarizes the main problem of the Cantabrian rivers, their fragmentation, and reports that salmon already reaches five kilometers from Elizondo. It is made within the LIFE IREKIBAI project. From Januray 11 to to April 18, it will be exhibited in the Señorío de Bértiz Natural Park. The exhibition begins through a recreation of… Continúe leyendo The exhibition “Oztoporik gabe, hobe! / ¡Que corra el agua!” ends your roaming in Señorío de Bertiz Natural Park. 2021/01/11-2021/04/18 (After Life)
Continue readingThe exhibition “Oztoporik gabe, hobe! / ¡Que corra el agua!” continues his roaming in the City Council of Leitza. 2020/05/25 -2020/05/31
The exhibition summarizes the main problem of the Cantabrian rivers, their fragmentation, and reports that salmon already reaches five kilometers from Elizondo. It is made within the LIFE IREKIBAI project. From May 25 to 31 it will be exhibited at the City Council of Leitza. The exhibition begins through a recreation of the background and… Continúe leyendo The exhibition “Oztoporik gabe, hobe! / ¡Que corra el agua!” continues his roaming in the City Council of Leitza. 2020/05/25 -2020/05/31
Continue readingThe exhibition “Oztoporik gabe, hobe! / ¡Que corra el agua!” continues his roaming in Lesaka Public Library. 2020/03/16 -2020/03/27
The exhibition summarizes the main problem of the Cantabrian rivers, their fragmentation, and reports that salmon already reaches five kilometers from Elizondo. It is made within the LIFE IREKIBAI project. From Marc 16 to 27 it will be exhibited at the Lesaka Public Library. (Monday to Friday from 14:00 to 20:00) The exhibition begins through… Continúe leyendo The exhibition “Oztoporik gabe, hobe! / ¡Que corra el agua!” continues his roaming in Lesaka Public Library. 2020/03/16 -2020/03/27
Continue readingThe exhibition “Oztoporik gabe, hobe! / ¡Que corra el agua!” continues his roaming in “Berako Kultur Etxea”. 2020/06/15 -2020/06/30
The exhibition summarizes the main problem of the Cantabrian rivers, their fragmentation, and reports that salmon already reaches five kilometers from Elizondo. It is made within the LIFE IREKIBAI project. From June 15 to 30 it will be exhibited at the Casa Cultura de Bera. 10: 00-14: 00 and 16: 00-19: 00 from Tuesday to… Continúe leyendo The exhibition “Oztoporik gabe, hobe! / ¡Que corra el agua!” continues his roaming in “Berako Kultur Etxea”. 2020/06/15 -2020/06/30
Continue readingLa exposición «Oztoporik gabe, hobe! / ¡Que corra el agua!» en Herriko Ostatua de Doneztebe. 01/05/2020-15/05/2020
La exposición sintetiza la principal problemática de los ríos cantábricos, su fragmentación, e informa de que el salmón ya llega a Elizondo. Está elaborada dentro del proyecto LIFE IREKIBAI. Desde el 1 al 15 de mayo estará expuesta en el Herriko Ostatua de Doneztebe. Sabados y domingos de 11:00h a 13:00h La exposición se inicia a… Continúe leyendo La exposición «Oztoporik gabe, hobe! / ¡Que corra el agua!» en Herriko Ostatua de Doneztebe. 01/05/2020-15/05/2020
Continue readingLa exposición itinerante «Oztoporik gabe, hobe! / ¡Que corra el agua!» en Arizkunenea (Elizondo). 01/04/2020-28/04/2020
La exposición sintetiza la principal problemática de los ríos cantábricos, su fragmentación, e informa de que el salmón ya llega a Elizondo. Está elaborada dentro del proyecto LIFE IREKIBAI. Desde el 1 al 28 de abril estará expuesta en Arizkunenea en Elizondo. 10:00-14:00 / 16:00-20:00 La exposición se inicia a través de una recreación del… Continúe leyendo La exposición itinerante «Oztoporik gabe, hobe! / ¡Que corra el agua!» en Arizkunenea (Elizondo). 01/04/2020-28/04/2020
Continue readingLa exposición «Oztoporik gabe, hobe! / ¡Que corra el agua!» en la Casa de Cultura de Etxalar. 01/06/2020-14/06/2020
The exhibition summarizes the main problem of the Cantabrian rivers, their fragmentation, and reports that salmon already reaches five kilometers from Elizondo. It is made within the LIFE IREKIBAI project. From June 1 14 it will be exhibited at the Casa Cultura de Etxalar. 16: 00-19:30 From Monday to Friday The exhibition begins through… Continúe leyendo La exposición «Oztoporik gabe, hobe! / ¡Que corra el agua!» en la Casa de Cultura de Etxalar. 01/06/2020-14/06/2020
Continue readingThe exhibition “Oztoporik gabe, hobe! / ¡Que corra el agua!” continues his roaming in Sunbilla. 2020/03/04 – 2020/03/13
The exhibition summarizes the main problem of the Cantabrian rivers, their fragmentation, and reports that salmon already reaches five kilometers from Elizondo. It is made within the LIFE IREKIBAI project. From march 4 to 13 will be exhibited in Sunbilla Monday to Friday from 8:00-15:00 The exhibition begins through a recreation of the background and… Continúe leyendo The exhibition “Oztoporik gabe, hobe! / ¡Que corra el agua!” continues his roaming in Sunbilla. 2020/03/04 – 2020/03/13
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