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(Cottus aturi)

The cottus aturi is a small fish with a scaleless body which is well distributed in northern and central Europe, but has a very limited presence in countries further to the south.


It is only present on the Iberian Peninsula in the Pyrenean regions and even so there are only three fragmented populations, two of which are in Navarre (in the Rivers Bidasoa and Nive). In the basin of the Bidasoa, the species has only been observed in brooks, not in the main channel.

It has been designated a keystone species in the SACs "River Bidasoa", "Señorío de Bértiz" and "River Baztan and Artesiaga Brook."

Cottus aturi
Code: 1163
Annexes to Directive 92/43/CEE: II

SitePopulation sizeConservation status
SAC River Leitzaran ES2120013Not presentNot present
SAC River Bidasoa ES2200014CC
SAC River Baztan and Artesiaga Brook ES2200023CC
SAC Señorío de Bertiz ES2200017CB
SCI Artikutza ES2200010Not presentNot present
SCI Belate ES2200018Not presentNot present

A: Excellent representation B: Good representation C: Significant representation. D: Insignificant representation

More information

National inventories national- Cottus gobio
SIBIC 2014. Spanish Fish Chart. Electronic publication (version 01/2015).

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